Fit Kids mission is to provide structured physical activity, movement, and mindfulness programs to ensure all children are able to enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of exercise.

Why Fit Kids?

of U.S. children fail to get the recommended hour of daily physical activity.
0 %
are obese.
0 %
of youth living in poverty are overweight or obese.
0 %

These trends are more pronounced among Black and Latino youth.

Fit Kids fixes a fitness opportunity gap by providing structured fitness programs for youth, primarily in underserved communities, at no cost to the host schools and community organizations or their participating families. 
Fit Kids programs—which flex for in-person or distance learning—combine warm-ups, fitness moves, games, and yoga/mindfulness practice that make fitness fun for kids of all ages. 

Fitness Programs

Fit Kids partners with schools and community organizations to deliver a proprietary curriculum of warm-ups, fitness moves, games, and yoga/mindfulness for in-person or distance learning.

Free Workouts

To keep kids fit during the pandemic, Fit Kids is providing four Distance Learning workout videos for free. Each video lasts 5-8 minutes and requires no equipment and just a small amount of space.

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Lineage Medicine Nisha Devi practice wellness connection yoga chi gong mental wellness kids fitness fit kids ashley hunter (2)

Insights from a Lineage Medicine Pioneer

Nisha Devi founded Kala Wellness to grow the use of Lineage Medicine, including its movement components, such as yoga and qigong. Nisha explains the meaning behind the medicine, how it helps, her path to her practice, and Kala Wellness' new partnership with Fit Kids.