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Help Fit Kids achieve our goal of bringing structured fitness activities to all children in underserved communities.

Donate via PayPal

As you consider your gift to Fit Kids, here are what various dollar amounts can fund:

Funds 2 Fit Kids Programs

Funds 1 Fit Kids Program

Funds 1 set of equipment

Funds 1 Fit Kids workout video

Funds 1 child in Fit Kids for 1 year

Insert your amount

Other Ways to Donate

Or, you can mail a check to:
The Fit Kids Foundation
1143 Crane Street, Suite 203
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tax ID: 27-4987709

We also accept gifts in the form of stock.
To inquire, email Jenna Rosati, Director of Development.

“Fit Kids did an amazing thing for us – In a time when recess and PE are hard to come by, this was an awesome gift. The students can now get up off the couch and into the groove of physical fitness. Fit Kids delivers by helping make just that: Fit kids!”

— PE Teacher, Horace Mann Elementary, Oakland, CA