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Fit Kids Receives Largest-Ever Grant

Posted on May 1, 2024

Through the California Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI), Fit Kids has been awarded the largest grant in the organization’s history: $745,000 to provide a special early intervention program at one Fit Kids Program Site, Belle Haven Elementary School, in the 2024-25 school year. Authorized as part of the 2021 Budget Act, the CYBHI is a multi-year, multi-department package of investments that reimagines the systems that support behavioral health and wellness for all California’s children, youth, and their families.

The grant covers:

  • new curriculum and videos in partnership with Kala Wellness
  • enhanced online capabilities and infrastructure for Fit Kids
  • a new full-time Fit Kids staff member to administer the program and manage measurement of its outcomes.

“This grant marks an inflection point for our organization,” said Fit Kids Founder and Executive Director Ashley Hunter. “We could not be more excited! The funding to provide this special, early intervention program at Belle Haven will enable new levels of impact measurement, which we hope will fuel even greater adoption of our program in the future.”