Many schools and community centers considering a Fit Kids partnership wonder about our organization’s take on social-emotional learning. Social-emotional learning has become one of the most important components of education, especially in light of how the pandemic affects children and their overall school and community center environments.
A pilot collaboration to introduce Fit Kids into Chicago Public Schools from Spring 2021 through Spring 2022 brought together Mary Rosenwinkel, Health Partnership Specialist for Communities in Schools of Chicago, with David Jacobson, Director of Program Growth and Communications for Fit Kids.
The two recently chatted about the social-emotional learning aspects of the Fit Kids program, which was available to 11 Chicago Public Schools, serving 2,114 students. In this eight-minute video they reveal how social-emotional learning opportunities are baked into the Fit Kids program, how some students intuitively respond to those opportunities, and how teachers and coaches can capitalize.
Even though the Fit Kids curriculum is not loaded with social-emotional-learning-speak, the program organically imparts lessons in resilience, confidence, determination, teamwork, and leadership.